Compendium (return)

Here, you will find – exclusively – my humble compendium of letters. These are the correspondence I have maintained with my family. I submit them to your review for reasons I do not understand.

Forgive such musings as here follow. They are merely awkward attempts to understand a reality which eludes language. And, now they are yours.


Caedmon Comma

My Son,

There are new losses around every bend of this road which you are treading upon. These strange losses are unholy moments that strip us of innocence and rob us of love and thinkers call them 'truth'. Beware of these new losses. Be aware of the evil in 'truth'. It makes us old and fierce.

You've experienced a few bends in the road this week, haven't you? This was your first week of Kindergarten and in the midst of all the excitement and sparkling potential, I have seen truth in your eyes - strange losses and moments unholy.

What animals are we that we would send our children to lap up a putrid river of ferocity and call it education? What sort of hate must I retain for you that I could possibly watch you walk down the treacherous road with nothing to defend yourself. I just stand there, biting a knuckle and hoping against hope that something good comes from it all.

But, you are good and brave and you always seem to retain a powerful grace. Grace may be despised in this world, and hateful things might arise on your road. But you have the power of your very existence. You will fell every monster in your path - they will fall beneath your grace. But, when they fall, you will know that these are unholy moments and new losses.

image source: deviant art

