Compendium (return)

Here, you will find – exclusively – my humble compendium of letters. These are the correspondence I have maintained with my family. I submit them to your review for reasons I do not understand.

Forgive such musings as here follow. They are merely awkward attempts to understand a reality which eludes language. And, now they are yours.


Cædmon Comma


You are the most wonderful boy. Your mother and I now live lives that are given flight by your smiles.

The other day, I looked into your open eyes and I realized that you embody every ideal I have for this, my only life. I saw in your eyes everything I've been searching for: contentment, hope, grace, joy, and peace.

You have been sick lately, all congested and fussy. There's really nothing we can do. So, we wait. We wait for the sickness to ebb, so that the smiles might flow forth once more, and give flight to our joys.
