Caedmon Comma
My son, when you were still inside your mom, I thought you looked like an alien. You don't look so much like an alien now, but I'm still a little creeped out by you.The moment you arrived, you ripped the most startling emotions out of me that I have ever felt. When I saw you and held you, I felt as if I could burst into a billion tiny particles and melt away in an explosion of happiness and gratitude. Such joy is so rare, and you summon it so often.
Since then, you have evoked something that I can only describe as holiness. When I'm with you I feel selfless, and even sacrificial. I jump at the opportunity to change a diaper! Anything to serve you my son! What power you wield! How can you provoke such feelings? What alien power did you bring with you?
Tonight I logged onto this computer and spent a solid hour looking at pictures of you and your mom. It was almost painful. My family is so beautiful. every picture and every memory moved and hurt.
But, why hurt? Why pain?
I don't know. I think maybe you've startled something in me. Maybe since the day you were born you have so overwhelmed me with joy that it hurts. I don't know. Whatever it is, I like it.
Life can be a dry lakebed and it can also be a sudden flood. Whatever it brings your way, please know that if you need anything, you need but summon me.
I am so glad that you are here, my boy... I am so glad you're here...
In the quiet,
when I pray,
my prayers are filled with thanksgivings
when I pray,
my prayers are filled with thanksgivings