Compendium (return)

Here, you will find – exclusively – my humble compendium of letters. These are the correspondence I have maintained with my family. I submit them to your review for reasons I do not understand.

Forgive such musings as here follow. They are merely awkward attempts to understand a reality which eludes language. And, now they are yours.


Compendium (return)

I suppose the name still applies. The name is only gateway, after all.

This blog has been a difficult place for me. It has been the source of so much good interaction, and so much unfortunate misrepresentation. I have decided to keep this blog, for reasons unknown to me. Now, it has returned. Yet, in a different way.

Here, you will find – exclusively – my humble compendium of letters. These are the correspondence I have maintained with my family. I submit them to your review for reasons I do not understand.

Forgive such humble musings as here follow. They are merely awkward attempts to understand a reality which eludes language. And, now they are yours.
