Compendium (return)

Here, you will find – exclusively – my humble compendium of letters. These are the correspondence I have maintained with my family. I submit them to your review for reasons I do not understand.

Forgive such musings as here follow. They are merely awkward attempts to understand a reality which eludes language. And, now they are yours.


Carys Comma

When you are at the point in your life where you are able to read this, it will already be abundantly clear to you that I know very little about raising a daughter. You see, I have had relatively little experience with ladies. I was raised by my single dad along with my two brothers (no sisters).

As I write this, you have only been with us a few days, but every time I look into your beautiful eyes, I am humbled by the task before me: to raise a baby girl into a young lady. I am hoping your mother can smooth my awkward efforts.

Help me to love you well, Carys. Forgive me when my ignorance clouds your Way.


Sent from my BlackBerry Smartphone provided by Alltel
