Compendium (return)

Here, you will find – exclusively – my humble compendium of letters. These are the correspondence I have maintained with my family. I submit them to your review for reasons I do not understand.

Forgive such musings as here follow. They are merely awkward attempts to understand a reality which eludes language. And, now they are yours.


Dad Blog

I’ve enjoyed all the thoughts on being a Dad that I’ve had a chance to read on several blogs. I thought I would put together a composite of Dad posts from some of the blogs I frequent. I learn a lot from these posts, and I guess this to say thanks and let’s have some more!

From Conversations About the Kingdom – I appreciate the Shepherd that Jerry is to his Church and his family.

From My Perception—Brian enjoys being an agitator, with Seth’s arrival, he will now be agitated!

From Ranting and Raving—Jay has found the secret to great parenting: making fun of his kids.

From Sojourner—Toby and his kids have been through so much. Somehow he has been able to guide his family through so much. He should write a book.

From Visions of Time – When Gary’s not cracking a code, he’s learning from his son. Judging from his posts, he has a great teacher.
