My Child Comma
My Child,Today your mother was trying to illustrate for me how long you were and that started us into a discussion about the best way to illustrate two and a half inches. Whatever the best way is, you are still very small right now.
And I wonder what it must be like to live a strange small life inside such a one as your mother. She is this startling, wonderful package of laughter and love and whispered beauty. Does that mean that you are floating in all that? How wonderful that must be.
Your mother tells me about how warm and safe it is inside of her - where you live now. And as she tells me this, I can't help but think that it will be warm and safe out here, too. And that is because of your mother.
I read this book, from time to time, that talks about a reality that is safe and warm in a future time, a future world. And I think in that time, we will all be like children again. And I think there, our Mother will surround us with love.
Take up your arm
Sons and daughters
We will arise from the bunkers
By land, by sea, by dirigible
We'll leave our tracks untraceable now
When we arrive
Sons and daughters
We'll make our lives on the water...
Here all the bombs fade away
"Sons and Daughters"